
conical spring manufacturers

Our Products

Our Product Range varies from wire diameter 0.15 mm to 5 mm. We offer a diverse range of precision-engineered products, including compression springs, tension springs, torsion springs, double torsion springs, conical springs, double conical springs, and wire forms. Each product is meticulously crafted to meet the highest industry stan- dards, ensuring exceptional performance and reliability in various applications.
torsion spring manufacturers in bangalore

Compression springs

A helical spring designed to resist compressive forces, storing potential energy when compressed and releasing it when the force is removed.

torsion spring manufacturers in bangalore

Conical springs

A helical spring characterized by a tapered shape, forming a cone. It provides resistance to axial compressive forces, used in applications which require varying spring rates.

torsion spring manufacturers in bangalore

Double Conical springs

A type of mechanical spring with a helical coil that narrows at both ends. It is designed to provide resistance to axial compression and is used in applications requiring stability and controlled force.

torsion spring manufacturers in bangalore

Tension springs

A helical spring designed to resist axial tension forces. It elongates when pulled and is commonly used in applications where stretching force is needed.

torsion spring manufacturers in bangalore

Torsion springs

A helical spring designed to exert rotational force when twisted about its axis. It stores mechanical energy when twisted and returns to its original position when the applied force is released.
torsion spring manufacturers in bangalore

Double Torsion springs

A type of mechanical spring consisting of two closely wound helical springs, providing rotational force when twisted. It is designed to store and release energy by undergoing a twist.
torsion spring manufacturers in bangalore

Wire forms

A type of spring made from a wire that is bent or coiled into a specific shape, providing elasticity and flexibility. These springs are used in various applications where controlled resilience and support are essential.
